Well, since HONY is immensely popular, it didn't take long for a belgian version to pop up. Except this one is flawed. I love the effort and idea, but there are some points they really need to work on.
1. Leave out that huge white border on your photo's. It has no additional value and doesn't make the photograph better. If anything, it reduces the quality really.
2. If you can't translate dutch to english properly: don't. Who is in charge of your translations? Fire that person! I've noticed that it's almost never correct. Besides, even if your quote is translated perfectly, you'll always lose some part of the meaning. No matter how correct: a translation is still an adapted quote and it will always have a slightly different meaning or possible interpretation than the original one.
3. Sometimes it's not important to also show your question. The answer alone can be enough. Also: leave people guessing who said what. It makes everything a hell of a lot more interesting.
4. Mix your subjects up. Don't always go for the average person. Pick someone 'different' every once and a while. Step away from our coast line and visit other places. You won't meet a great variety of people if you constantly use the same location. This isn't New York, everything is spread around here.
Humans of New York: https://www.facebook.com/humansofnewyork
Humans of Belgium: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Humans-of-Belgium/570450909742413
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