Saturday, December 28, 2013

My lovely little wish list

I'm in the middle of our Belgian exam period and what else to do during breaks than checking out some clothes and jewelry? Since I'm broke (thank you christmas!) it's only natural that I find multiple things I really want. It's typical. I bet everything's sold out or there's nothing I like when I have actual money to spend. Anyway, nothing wrong with some good faith, right?


Top to bottom: Heather Sweater, Storets (56 €) - Michelle cross necklace, Storets (11 €) - Eye of the Tiger Neoprene Top, Storets (48 €) - Trucker cap, WECANDANCE x Filles a papa (Limited Edition, 30 €) - Crochet Lace Layered Top+Skirt set, Storets (50 €) - Suspender Belt printed Tights, Storets (15 €) - Sweater, Pull&Bear (29,99, €) - Mesh Top petticoat Dress, Storets (55 €) 


Friday, December 27, 2013

So, I'm in love..

My family gave me the best presents ever for christmas, like seriously. This year was a damn good year. My sister gave me a beautiful Commes des Garcons clutch, while my parents went for blue Nike Air Max 1 trainers. Yes! I normally wouldn't brag about it, but I'm so pleased I just can't keep my mouth shut.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Never buy clothing made of Angora wool!

I would like to persuade you all to stop buying clothing items made of Angora wool. I knew Angora wool came from a rabbit, and I always assumed they got it by simply shaving the rabbit or cutting it off in a humane way. Never have I been so wrong. 90% of the world production of Angora wool comes from China, where they obtain it by plucking the hair aggressively out of the rabbit. The rabbit is tied up to a table, screaming, fully aware of what is happening and in a great deal of pain. Afterwards they place them back into their cage (while the animal is in shock). The rabbits go through this horrifying proces every three months for a period of approximately two to five years. If this doesn't convince you, I sincerely suggest you watch the following clip:

Don't support this cruelty. 
Stop buying items made of Angora wool.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A very Kolorful Kesha

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I honestly think Kesha (I refuse to put that stupid $-symbol in her name) looks amazing sporting rainbow colored hair. I know, I'm shocked too. Nobody looks good with rainbow hair, yet somehow... She does? What world are we living in? What the hell is going on?

Not only that, but she even managed to look more decent than ever before. I'm not saying it's a great outfit, but hey, it's better than usual. She normally looks like she just walked out of bed after a drunk night out. A very, very drunk night out. The kind of night after which you don't even bother to take your make-up of, so you kinda look like a crazy raccoon when you wake up. But to get back to my point: I really like her face and hair. Maybe she has a new make-up artist. Whatever it is, kudos to her! In my humble opinion, she looks fierce. 

Yeah, it's ok if you don't agree with me.
I get it.

Images: FayesVision/WENN/Getty Images/Michael Kovac

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

All eyes on Jennifer Lawrence

So, Jennifer is looking amazing these days. Every day I see new pictures of her at some other premiere of the Hunger Games: Catching Fire and she certainly doesn't disappoint. I don't even mind the pixie cut on her. (And that's a huge compliment because I rarely find it attractive or pretty. It's almost never an improvement)

Top to Bottom: Paris, Christian Dior - Rome, Christian Dior - LA, Dior Haute Couture

Besides her flawless appearances, I'm also digging photographs taken of her. I particularly love the ones featured in Harper's Bazaar and her Dior ads.

Harper's BAZAAR (November 2013)
Vogue Italia (December 2012, shoot by Marc Seliger)
Miss Dior ad campaign (Photo: Courtesy of Dior)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Bringing sexy back: Vikki Dougan

I just recently discovered Vikki Dougan and I absolutely adore these photographs of her. She was the ultimate trendsetter back in the 50's when she introduced the sexy low-cut backless dress. (Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating, but it was definetly her trademark. Wearing such dresses practically made her famous) She looks amazing. We should totally bring this trend back. Like, right now. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

How to make Leighton Meester look like a drag

I know it's old (news), but back in 2009 Leighton Meester -"Blair Waldorf" in the hitseries Gossip Girl- brought out "Somebody to Love ft. Robin Thicke", a midtempo electropop song. The song wasn't that bad, but the video clip was a disaster. Whoever choose Leighton's styling must have been blind, because the always flawless tv-star looked awful. She had been transformed into some sort of mix between a transvestite and a hooker. (I sincerely hope she wasn't making her own fashion/styling choices)

Whoever did her make-up is obviously a huge fan of lots and lots of glittery eye-shadow. She's practically drowning in eye-glitter and blush. The outfits in the clip are okay, but the one she's wearing in de limo should be burned. And then burned again. It's the most unflattering jumpsuit I've ever seen. Not to mention the choice of hat and shoes to go along with it. And the scary, long fake nails. I think both looks are a perfect of example of overdoing something. Big hair, big make-up, big accessories. Don't. Just don't.

3 years later and my eyes still hurt.
It burns.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Rule #2: it's ok to take the lead

One thing I've learned is that it's surprisingly fun and pleasant to take intitative when it comes to asking a guy out.  Sure, you can do it the old fashioned way and just sit around and wait 'till a guy comes up to you, or you could get off your lazy ass and do it yourself. I'm not saying you should always make the first move, but taking a bold step every once and a while can't hurt.

Surprise yourself by doing something you'd normally never do. You've got nothing to lose.
It's easy. Keep it short, light and clear. Something like "dude, you're great at GTA5, we should play it together some time" (depending on his hobby/interests and the situation of course, but you get the point. Just don't fake a mutual interest). If you get blown off: so be it, it's really not a big deal. And if it's a yes: great! Good for you!

Oh, don't stalk the guy after you asked him. You gave him a chance, if he wants to, he'll take it. It's fine either way. But it's up to him now. The most important thing is to expect nothing. Just go with the flow. You're independent. Stop caring so much before anything has even happened (Most girls go crazy over nothing, I often don't even understand the problem. I mean, you barely know the guy, how can you be so obsessive and dramatic already? On second thought, scratch the 'already': being obsessive and dramatic is never a good thing, but I'll get back to that later).

Monday, October 28, 2013

Time for beauty rituals

I don't like spending time cleansing my face and applying all sorts of creams. I have a habit of simply removing my make-up and go to bed. Sometimes I can't even get myself to do that, which forces me to wake up looking like a panda. I promised myself I'd start taking better care of my skin and face when I turned 18. And then that number turned into 20. 21. 22. You get the point. But no more! If I want to look decent when I'm older, it's time to take action. From now on I follow a 5 step-plan when I wake up and a 4 step-plan before going to bed. What's 5 minutes of my time if it makes my skin happy?

Starting the day:
1# wash face with water
2 # wash face gently - "Louis Widmer: Facial Wash Gel"
3# apply day-cream - "Clarins: Daily Energizer Cream-Gel"
4# apply eye-cream - "Clarins: Eye Contour Gel (Puffiness, dark circles)"
5# make-up time

Ending the day: (using the same products as mentioned above)
1# remove make-up
2# wash face with water
3# wash face gently
4# apply night-cream (Also the "Clarins: Daily Energizer Cream-Gel")

Why I use these brands: They're good. Really good. It's day 2 and my skin feels great. The Clarins day-cream doesn't make my skin greasy, therefore I don't get pimples. Some creams give me acne, but this one manages to hydrate my skin without those bad side effects. And the Louis Widmer Gel is dermatologically tested and makes my skin ubersoft. Besides, it's from Switserland. (Yes, that is a valid argument)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Purple Lipstick, why not?

I recently started watching the Face and I couldn't help but notice Coco Rocha's lips when she entered the room with purple lipstick on. The whole room just disappeared. Her mouth was the absolute centre of attention to me. She rocked it. But of course, she's a supermodel. She'd rock a paper bag if she had to. But she's not the only one who looks good wearing such an odd coloured lipstick: Leighton Meester, Kat Graham and even Amanda Seyfried tried it on and looked great while wearing it.

Now, let's be real: I'm not the type of person that gets away with such an extravagant colour. But why not try it on for Halloween? I personally think it has that witchy vibe without making you look ugly. It's the perfect night to try it on and get feedback. If people love it, you can try it on again on a "normal" day. If people hate it, well: at least you tried and you can use the "Oh but it's just for Halloween, silly!"-excuse (whilst trying not to cry and think about how unfair it is that celebs are these gorgeous beings surrounded by make-up teams and perfect people.. who can wear purple lipstick. Oh god why)

(Ignore the low rating, I personally loved it. Coco Rocha, Naomi Campbell and Karolina Kurkova. In a competition. Searching the Face. Need I say more?)

Top to bottom: Coco Rocha - Kat Graham - Amanda Seyfried - Leighton Meester - Jessie J - Solange Knowles