Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Rule #3: happiness should never be based on having a relationship

Being alone isn't always fun. Of course there are some great advantages to it, and the flirting sure as hell is nice, but sometimes we all wish we had someone to share something more with. There's nothing wrong with that. But it ìs wrong when your happiness depends on whether or not you're seeing someone. 

I may sound a bit cheesy, but you simply have to be able to be happy on your own. In any case your happily single attitude will surely attract potential dating material. You need to have something besides your significant other that can make you smile. Especially after a break-up it ain't always easy not to jump onto the next train with someone else to replace that numb, lonely feeling, but that's not ideal. Learn to be on your own. Discover what you like, do all the things you want to do, try new things, challenge yourself. You'll never feel more free and alive than when you realize you're perfectly fine being single and notice that you haven't even missed being with someone.  It will also help you discover what you're really looking for in someone. If you're not happy on your own and everything depends on whether or not you have a relationship, you're more likely to lower your standards and say yes to more people you should've said no to.

Although I must admit: I personally never truly get over someone until the day I fall for someone else. (But I'm talking about the great loves here, not your random flirt). That being said, getting over someone is not something you can force or control, but being happy on your own is.

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